Homestuck. What is it? A somewhat famous webcomic, currently running, by the artistically awesome Andrew Hussie (aka Ansrew/Abdrew by some of the fans). He makes awesome pages for it almost every day in Photoshop and Flash, most of which are animated, some of which have music (by the fans, of course). It has a complex and driving story, five and a half acts (of seven total), and upwards of 3500 pages of action.
Anyway, I'm out of time already. Check it out for yourself at sometime soon.
Haha I just made a mention of HS in my own news post. Great webcomic though, seriously.
Lol, yeah, it's totally awesome. One of these days I'm going to try my hand at a commemorative animation of sorts.
(xD I'm writing this on my Wii and it's taking forever!)